Examples for using QuickCIS' LOGIN.SCR file The following groups of text are sample login scripts for three commonly used carriers which connect to CompuServe. You should be able to duplicate these into a file named LOGIN.SCR, and get a successful connection. You must checkmark LOGIN.SCR in the View Config dialog, for the script file to be loaded and interpreted. Do NOT add any blank lines to the beginning or end of the file. The last line of the file IS IGNORED, so fill it with a timer. Each used line should have a single digit command (0-3), a space, and one or more additional characters, depending on the command number used. DO make sure that your last line has a Return character at its end. Commands: 0 - send the following text 1 - wait for the appearance of the following text 2 - wait xx seconds 3 - send the ASCII character in the following text (0-255) ----------------------------------- Tymnet: 2 3 3 65 1 : 0 CIS02 Explanation - line one waits 3 seconds after CONNECT. Line 2 sends ASCII 65 ("A"). Line 3 waits for ": " to appear. Line 4 sends the string "CIS02". The result should be the appearance of the CIS "User ID:" string, which QuickCIS will notice and respond to. ------------------------------------ Telenet: 2 4 3 13 3 32 3 13 1 TERMINAL 0 D1 1 @ 0 C 202202 Explanation - Line 1 waits 4 seconds. Line 2 sends ASCII 13 (Return). Line 3 sends ASCII 32 (space). Line 4 sends ASCII 13 again. Line 5 waits for the appearance of "TERMINAL". Line 6 sends "D1". Line 7 waits for "@". Line 8 sends "C 202202". The result should be the appearance of the CIS User ID prompt. QuickCIS will automatically respond. ------------------------------------- Datapac: 2 2 0 .. 1 DATAPAC 2 1 0 P 29400138 1 Host Name: 2 1 0 CIS Explanation - Line 1 waits 2 seconds. Line 2 sends "..". Line 3 waits for the appearance of "DATAPAC". Line 4 waits 1 second. Line 5 sends "P 29400138". Line 6 waits for "Host Name:". Line 7 waits 1 second. Line 8 sends "CIS". The result should be the appearance of the CIS prompt User ID, which QuickCIS will respond to. -------------------------------------